Sunday, November 27, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Our School Production 2011
My Uncle and my Aunty went to the production. They loved the Room 2 music. We kept on dancing
And when we were dancing we did actions. We did clapping and putting our hands up. Aloalii
I went to Viard College. I went on stage. I got some costumes on me then I had a dance a then I got off the stage. I felt cool. Dallas
I was excited my family was watching. I saw my family. My family was happy and the lights were flashing. I went to Viard. I was very proud of myself. Caleb A
Monday, September 19, 2011
The Juniors Big Event
We had a wonderful day celebrating the Rugby World Cup. Thank you to our whanau and friends who enjoyed the day with us.We welcomed our visitors with waiata and speeches and then we served morning tea. 'Kelly Sports' came and played rugby games on our field. We cheered, waved our flags and did the haka! We all recieved medals and finished with the National Anthem.
Big Air Gymnastics
At Big Air Gym it was hard when I did the flips. I found it was easy when I was crawling like a crab and jumping on the trampoline. Yash
At Big Air Gym I started off with the flips, first I found it hard but I got better and then I was surprised! It was fun and my best day. Abe was the best teacher he was nice. We swapped around. I went on another station it was station two! Omerola

Saturday, August 20, 2011
Snow Days in Tawa
Last night I went to my Auntie’s house. I read some pop up stories. Oh and did I tell you I had a snow ball fight? I hit my dad and my mum and I won the whole game! I had a piece of chocolate cake (It had chocolate icing on it) while I looked at the snow.
Last night our power went off and we played with the snow. Yash
On the snow I saw some footprints and then I said “Mum look I see some footprints”
I was playing in the snow and I made a snowman. Liam
I went out to play snow ball fights and I throwed the snow ball at my mum’s face and I got a big pile of snow! Nikko
At night I went outside and my brother went outside to the snow. I did the snowball fight and a snow angel. We took photos, about 50 photos!
Yesterday I played with the snow. I throwed the snow at my brother and had a snow fight and I wanted to play snow fights. Dallas
When I was watching the snow I went outside and I played in it and I had so much fun. Lydia
I played with my mum and dad and we played and played then we made a snow man and he had a carrot for the mouth. Ola

I played in the snow and my sister was making a snowman and they showed me and I thought it was cool. Aloalii


I was playing on my computer when my mum and dad said “come, come” but I was in the bedroom in the middle of a game called snowball fights!
I looked out the window and saw real snow! Caleb F

Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
Goldilocks and the Three Bears By Room 2
We are learning to have a beginning, midle and ending in our stories.Can you find these in our writing?
Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Francis
Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Lydia
Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Noah
Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Daniel
Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Francis
Once there was three bears. The Daddy said the porridge was too hot and then Mother bear said the porridge was too salty then Baby Bear said the porridge was just right! The bears went for a walk and Goldilocks knocked on the door and nobody was there.
She went in the bear’s home. She sat on father bears chair then Goldilocks tried Mother bears chair. Then she sat on Baby bears chair. Then she went upstairs. Then she went on Father Bear’s bed. She lay down but it was too hard. She went on Mother Bear’s bed. It was too lumpy. She went on Baby Bears bed and It was just right. She went to sleep. The bears came in. They looked at the porridge. The father bear looked at his porridge first. Then mother bear looked at her porridge. Then Baby Bear looked at his porridge and it was all gone.
They went upstairs. They found Goldilocks. She was asleep and then she woke up and then she ran out the door to her grandma’s.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Dallas
Goldilocks went into the house and Goldilocks sat on little baby bears chair. It fell down!
Goldilocks ate the porridge. Goldilocks walked up the stairs and the three bears walked up the stairs.
Goldilocks went on the bed.
Goldilocks woke up and she ran out of the house. The three bears said “come back!” Goldilocks didn’t come back to the three bear’s house.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
by Maddy
Once upon a time the three bears went out in the forest.
The three bears came back. “Who ate my porridge?” said the bears.
They went up the stairs to look under the beds. Baby Bear said “Who’s been sleeping in my bed?”
Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Lydia
Once upon a time there were three bears. Their names were Little Bear, Big Bear and Medium Bear. Their house was in the woods.
Goldilocks came and she knocked on the door. There was no one there. She went into the three bear’s house. She looked at the three bear’s porridge then she ate the porridge. She went upstairs to the three bears beds. She fell asleep in baby bears bed. The bears came back and they saw the porridge and said “who’s been eating my porridge?” They went upstairs and saw goldilocks asleep in baby bear’s bed.
Goldilocks woke up and saw the bears and ran all the way home.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Liam
Once upon a time there was three bears.
Mother bear made porridge. It was too hot. They went into the forest. Goldilocks went into the house. She tasted the porridge it was too hot so she went upstairs and she went to sleep. The three bears came home. They looked at their porridge. They said “who’s been eating my porridge?” Then they went upstairs. They said “who’s been sleeping in my bed?”
Goldilocks woke up. She looked at the three bears. She ran out the window and she went back home.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Noah
Once there was three bears at the forest.
Goldilocks she ate the bears porridge and she tried Father Bear’s and Mother Bears ‘and she said this porridge is too hot. Then she tried little bears porridge and she said “this porridge is too hot.” She saw the three bears chairs. She tried Father Bear’s chair. Then she tried Mother Bears Chair. Then she tried Baby Bears chair and then it broke.
She went upstairs. She saw the three bear’s beds. She tried Father Bear’s bed. The she tried Mother Bear’s bed. Then she tried little bears bed. She said “this bed is too good.”
The three bears came home. Father bear said “who’s been eating my porridge?” Mother bear said “who’s been eating my porridge?” Baby bear said “who’s been eating my porridge and it all gone!” They went to see the chairs and Father said “who’s been sitting in my chair?” and Mother bear said “who’s been sitting on my chair?” and Baby bear said “who’s been sitting on my chair and its broken?”
They went upstairs and they saw somebody sleeping in little bear’s bed. Father bear said “who’s been sleeping in my bed?” Mother Bear said “who’s been sleeping in my bed?” Then Goldilocks woke up and then she ran away.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Aloalii
Once upon a time there was three bears. They went for a walk and then a little girl came in the house and she ate Father bear’s porridge and then she said “this porridge is too hot and then she ate mother bears porridge and then she eats Baby bears porridge. Then she went to sit on the chair and then she broke the chair!
She went up to the bed and then she went to sleep on the bed. The three bears came and Father Bear said “Who’s been eating my porridge?” and then Mother bear said “who’s been eating my porridge?” and then Baby Bear said who’s been eating my Porridge?”
The Three Bears went upstairs and Father Bear said “Who’s been sleeping on my bed?” Mother Bear said” Who’s been sleeping on my bed? Baby Bear said “who is sleeping on my bed?”
Goldilocks screamed and went downstairs and she went out the door and home to her mother.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Yuan
The Three Bears cooked the porridge. They went for a walk. Goldilocks went inside to go upstairs and she is asleep.
The Three Bears came home and Goldilocks was upstairs sleeping in baby bears bed. Goldilocks woke up and the three bears looked at Goldilocks. Goldilocks ran away home.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Levi
Once upon a time there were three bears and they liked porridge but it was too hot!
Goldilocks came to this house, Goldilocks saw Father Bear’s Porridge. Goldilocks saw Mother Bear’s Porridge. Goldilocks saw Baby Bear’s porridge. She went upstairs to see the three beds and then the three bears came back and the door was open! They went upstairs. They went to see Goldilocks sleeping in baby Bears bed.
The three bears scared Goldilocks away. She ran home to her Mother.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
by Ryan
Goldilocks went into the house. She tried Daddy bears porridge. It was too hot. She sat on Baby Bears chair. She tried Mother Bears’ porridge and it was too hot. She went upstairs. She slept in Baby Bears bed. The bears came back and the door was open. The bears went to the kitchen and looked at their porridge. The bears went upstairs and they looked at Baby Bears bed and Goldilocks ran out the door and never came back.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears by George
The Three Bears went for a walk. Goldilocks went in the house. Goldilocks ate the porridge. Goldilocks sat on the chair.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Oliver
Mother Bear made porridge and it was hot and then Goldilocks came and then Goldilocks tried the little bear’s porridge. The Bears were out walking.
Goldilocks tried the porridge then Goldilocks tried the chairs and she tried the beds. The Three Bears came home! Goldilocks ran all the way home.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
by Maddy
Once upon a time there was three bears. Mother bear made some porridge. The porridge was too hot so they went for a walk and while they were going for a walk a little girl named Goldilocks went in the house. Then she saw the bowl of porridge and she tasted them. The last bowl of porridge was just right.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
by Tavenisa
Once upon a time there were three bears. Who lived in a cottage in the woods? Their names were Mama Bear and Papa Bear and Baby Bear.
Mama bear made some porridge. The three bears tasted their porridge. But it was too hot. So they went for a walk. Along came Goldilocks she knocked on the door and she said “is anyone there?” But no one was there. So she walked in the house.
She smelled a smell, it was a nice smell. The smell was a smell of porridge. She tasted Papa Bears’ porridge but it was too hot so she tasted Mama Bears’ porridge but it was too salty so she tasted Bab
Bear’s porridge and it was just right so she ate it all up.
Then she sat on Papa Bear’s chair but it was too high so she sat on Mama Bear’s chair but it was too soft so she sat on Baby Bear’s chair and it was just right but then it broke! “Oh no!.” She went upstairs and she tried Papa Bears’ bed but it was too hard so she tried Mama Bears’ bed but it was too hard too so she tried Baby Bears bed and it was just right so she stayed in Baby Bears’ bed.
The Bears came back. They walked into the house. Papa Bear said “who’s been eating my porridge?” and “who’s been eating my porridge?” said Mama Bear and “who’s been eating my porridge?” said Baby Bear “and it’s all gone!”.
They went into the living room. Papa Bear said “who’s been sitting in my chair?” and “who’s been sitting in my chair?” said Mama Bear and “who’s been sitting in my chair?” said Baby bear “and it’s broken!”. They went upstairs. Papa Bear said “who’s been sleeping in my bed?” and who’s been sleeping in my bed?” said Mama Bear and “who’s been sleeping in my bed?” said Baby Bear “And look she’s right here!” Goldilocks woke up. Goldilocks screamed. Goldilocks ran out of the house all the way home. Then she went into her bed and she covered herself with the blanket.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Sophia
Once upon a time there were three bears. They were called Father Bear and Mother Bear and Baby Bear and they made some porridge and it was too hot.
They went for a walk and Goldilocks was walking too and she found a house in the forest and the door was open and she walked inside and she found the bowls of porridge and she tried Father Bears’ porridge and it was too hot and then she tried Mother Bears’ porridge and it was too salty and then she tried Baby Bear’s porridge and it was just right and she ate it all up.
And then she saw some chairs and then she tried the big chair and she said “this is too hard”. Then she tried the medium chair and she said “this is too soft” and then she tried the little chair and it was just right and she rocked back and forward on it and it broke.
And then she saw some beds and she tried the big bed and she said “this is too hard” and then she tried the medium bed and she said “this is too soft”. Then she tried the little bed and she fell asleep.
Then the three bears came home and they looked at their porridge and Father Bear said “who’s been eating my porridge?” and then Mother Bear looked at her porridge and she said “who’s been eating my porridge?” and then Baby bear looked at her bowl and she said “who’s been eating my porridge and it all gone?” and she cried.
Then they looked at their chairs and Father Bear said “who’s been sitting on my chair?” Then mother bear said “who’s been sitting on my chair?” and they went upstairs. Father Bear looked at his bed and said “who’ been sleeping on my bed?” and Mother Bear looked at her bed and she said “who’s been sleeping in my bed?” and then Baby Bear looked at her bed and she said “who’s been sleeping in my bed and she’s still there!” Goldilocks woke up and she ran out the door, back home to her mother.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Logan
Once upon a time there lived three brown bears. They lived in a cottage in the woods.
One morning Mother Bear was making porridge .When it was all ready Father Bear tasted his porridge, he said it was too hot. So Mother Bear tasted her porridge and said it was too hot too, So Baby Bear tasted his porridge, and it was too hot as well. So they decided to go for a walk.
Then a little girl called Goldilocks saw the three bears house and knocked on the door and said “is there anyone there?” but there was no one there so she went in.
She saw a table with the three bowls of porridge, a big one and a medium one and a little one for Baby Bear. She tasted Father Bear’s porridge, it was too hot and she tasted Mother Bear’s porridge and it was too cold. So she tasted Baby Bear’s porridge and it was just right so she ate it all up. She went to the chairs and sat on Father Bear’s chair and it was too big. She sat on Mother Bear’s chair and it was too wide. So she sat on Baby Bear’s chair and it was just right so she started to rock on it but then it broke!
She went upstairs and she saw the three bear’s beds. She tried Father Bear’s bed but it was too big. So she tried Mother Bear’s bed but it was too soft. So she tried Baby Bear’s bed and it was just right so she fell asleep.
The three bears came back and the door was open. They went inside and Father Bear saw the three bowls of porridge and he said “who’s been eating my porridge?” and Mother Bear said “who’s been eating my porridge?” and Baby Bear said “who’s been eating my porridge and it all gone?”
So the three bears went into the living room. Father bear said “who’s been sitting on my chair?” and Mother Bear said “who’s been sitting on my chair?” and Baby Bear said “who’s been sitting on my chair and it’s all broken?” They went upstairs and they saw the three beds. Father Bear said “who’s been sleeping in my bed?” and Mother Bear said “who’s been sleeping in my bed?” and Baby Bear said “who’s been sleeping in my bed and here she is!?”
Baby Bear screamed and Goldilocks woke up. She ran down stairs and through the living room and past the three bowls and ran outside. She ran through the woods and back home to her mother.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Caleb F
Once upon a time there were three bears. There porridge was too hot so they decided to have a walk in the forest. Goldilocks saw the bear’s home. She knocked at the door she said “Is somebody there?” she opened the door and nobody was there so she saw the three bears porridge. She tried Father Bear’s porridge and it was too hot and she tried Mother Bear’s porridge and it was too cold and she tried Baby Bear’s porridge and it was just right so she ate it all up.
She sat on Father’s chair and it was too hard and she tried Mother’s chair and it was too soft. And she tried Baby’s chair and it was just right and it broke into pieces.
So she went up stairs. She saw the three beds, she tried Father’s bed and it was too hard, then she tried Mother Bear’s bed and it was too soft and she tried Baby Bear’s bed and it was just right and she fell asleep
Then the three bears came home. “Who’s been eating my porridge?” said Father Bear. “Who’s been eating my porridge?” said Mother Bear. Who’s been eating my porridge? And it’s all gone.” said Baby Bear.
Then Father Bear sat on his chair and he said “who’s been sitting in my chair?”, “who’s been sitting on my chair?” said Mother Bear. “Who’s been sitting in my chair?” said baby bear, “and it’s broken into pieces”. The bears went upstairs, “who’s been sleeping in my bed?” said Father Bear. “Who’s been sleeping in my bed?” said Mother Bear. “Who’s been sleeping in my bed?” said Baby Bear, “and there she is!” Goldilocks woke up and she ran away as fast as she could to her mother.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Daniel
Once upon a time there were three bears. They liked porridge but it was hot so they went for a walk. Along came goldilocks and she liked porridge. She ate Baby Bears’ porridge. And she sat on Father Bears’ chair but it was too hard so she sat on Mother Bears’ chair and it was too hard so she sat on Baby Bears’ chair and it broke.
So she went upstairs and she saw three beds. She went on Father Bears’ bed but it was too hard so she was going on Mother Bears’ bed but it was too soft so she was going to get into Baby Bears’ bed and it was just right. The Bears came home and saw Goldilocks in Baby Bears’ bed. Baby Bear screamed and woke Goldilocks up. She ran away home.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Juliette
Once upon a time there were three bears. Father Bear was big and Mother Bear and Baby Bear. And they made some porridge and they ate their porridge. Father ate his porridge and he said “this porridge is too hot”. Mother Bear ate her porridge and said “this porridge is too hot.” Baby Bear ate his porridge and said “it is too hot.” So they went for a walk.
There was a girl and he name was Goldilocks and she went in to look inside and she looked at the porridge and she ate Fathers porridge and said “this porridge is too hot” and she said “oh”. Then she ate Mother’s porridge and she said “this porridge is too hot” and then she tried Baby’s porridge and she said “this porridge is just right” and she ate Baby’s porridge all up.
And then she went to the chairs and she sat on Father Bear’s chair but her toes could not touch the ground and then she went to
Mother’s chair and then she sat on Baby Bear’s chair and then she rocked and rocked but the chair broke and she said “oh I think the owners won’t be happy”.
She went upstairs and she lay on Father’s bed but it was too big and she went on Mother’s bed but the bed was too soft and then she went to Baby Bear’s bed and it was just right and she slept along time.
Then the three bears came back and the three bears saw the porridge and they went to the porridge and Baby Bear looked at his porridge and said “who’s been eating my porridge and somebody has eaten my porridge all up. They went to their beds and looked at their beds. Father bear said “who’s been sleeping on my bed?” then Mother Bear looked at her bed and said “who’s been sleeping on my bed”. Then Baby Bear said “Who’s been sleeping in my bed and is still sleeping?” Goldilocks heard the growling and Goldilocks woke up and she was so
frightened because the bears were looking at her. She ran away and never came back again.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Haylee
Once upon a time there was a girl named Goldilocks and she knocked on the door and she looked inside and she went in the house. She tasted Father Bear’s porridge and she tasted Mother Bear’s porridge and she tasted Baby Bear’s porridge and she said it was just right and then she ate it all up.
She tried Father Bear’s chair and she tried Mother Bear’s chair and then she tried Baby Bear’s chair and she sat in it and it went into pieces!
She went upstairs. She tried Father Bear’s bed and she tried Mother Bear’s bed and she tried Baby Bear’s bed and it was just right. She fell fast asleep.
The Bears came home. Father Bear said “who’s been eating my porridge?” and Mother Bear said “who’s been eating my porridge?” and Baby Bear said “who’s been eating my porridge and it’s all gone!” They went upstairs and went to Baby Bear’s bed. Baby Bear said “who’s in my bed?” The bears screamed to wake her up and she ran downstairs and straight home to her mother.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Elaina
Once upon a time there was the three bears and they had to go for a walk. Then Goldilocks came, she knocked on the door then the door opened and Goldilocks saw the porridge. So she ate the first bowl of porridge. She said “this porridge is too hot.” Then she tasted the middle bowl, she said “this porridge is too cold.” Then she had the little bowl, she said “this porridge is just right.”
Then she went upstairs and she tried the big bed, she said “this bed is too big.” She tried the middle bed then she tried the little bed. She fell asleep then the three bears came home.
Father Bear said “who’s been eating my porridge?” Mother Bear said “who’s been eating my porridge?” Baby Bear said “who’s been eating my porridge?”
The bears went upstairs and Father Bear said “who’s been in my bed?” Mother said “who’s been in my bed?” Baby said “Who’s been in my bed and here she is!” Goldilocks woke up and she was scared. She ran down the stairs and she went home to her mum and she said “mum, I think I‘m sick.” And the next day she was better.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
by Omerola
Once upon a time there were three bears. They had porridge but it was too hot so the bears went for a walk but another person was walking inside the forest. She saw the home. She knocked on the door but there was not someone inside. So she went inside the home of the bears. Goldilocks had Father Bear’s porridge, she said it was too hot, so she had Baby Bear’s porridge and it was just right.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Yash
Once upon a time there were three bears and Goldilocks. Goldilocks was skipping through the forest and the three bears decided to go for a walk while their porridge cooled down. Goldilocks saw a house in the forest. She decided to go in the house in the forest.
She saw three bowls of porridge. She ate Father Bear’s porridge, it was too hot. She tasted Mother Bears Porridge, it was too salty. She ate Baby Bear’s porridge, it was just right and she ate it all up. Then she sat on Father Bears chair, it was too high. She sat on Mother Bear’s chair, it was too smooth. She sat on Baby Bear’s chair, it was just right, then she broke it!
She went upstairs. She sat on Father Bear’s bed it was too big. She sat on Mother Bear’s bed, it was too high. She sat on Baby Bear’s bed, it was just right. Then the three bears came back. They looked at Goldilocks. She saw the three bears, she ran to her home.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Caleb A.
Once upon a time the three bears went for a walk in the woods. Goldilocks saw the house, the door was open. In the house there was porridge. The first bowl was too hot. The second bowl of porridge was hot. The third bowl of porridge was just right.
Goldilocks went to the chairs. The first chair was too hard. The second chair was too soft. The last chair was just right.
Goldilocks went to the beds. The first bed was too hard. The second bed was just right and she went to sleep. The bears came back. They went to the porridge. “My porridge is all gone” said Baby Bear. The bears went to the chairs. The father bear looked at his chair, “who’s been sitting on my chair?” Baby Bear looked at his chair “it’s all broken” he said.
The Bears went to the beds. Father Bear looked at his bed, “Who’s been sleeping in my bed?” Baby Bear went to his bed, “who’s been sleeping in my bed, and she’s right here!” Goldilocks ran to her mother.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Nikko
Baby Bear and Mother Bear and Father Bear and they went for a walk. Goldilocks went in a house. Goldilocks tried little bear’s porridge and Goldilocks tried Mother Bear’s porridge and it was too hot and then Goldilocks tried Father Bear’s porridge and it was hot.
Goldilocks came up the stairs and then she went to Father Bear’s bed and it was too hard. And then Goldilocks went on Mother Bear’s bed and it was too warm. And then Goldilocks went on Baby Bear’s bed and she fell asleep.
The three bears came up the stairs. Goldilocks ran away through the forest and then she went home.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
We are learning about describing words. Read our stories and check out the describing words!
Super Stars are nice
and they are cool too. Nikko
Super Stars are cool they are number one,
they take care of people. Aloalii
Super Stars are strong,
they look after people who are hurt. Noah
Super Stars are cool and lovely and great!
They are neat and choose the next super star. Haylee
Super Stars are cool
and they are good at cleaning up. Caleb F
Super Stars are fantastic
they help people. Liam
Super Stars are Number One,
they help people. Daniel
Super Stars are sensible,
they give stickers out to people who are cleaning up properly.
You get to choose the next Super Star. Tavenisa
Super Stars are good at things
and they help other kids at school. Sophia
Mrs Murfitt has black hair and brown eyes. Juliette
Mrs Andrewartha has silver hair. Dallas
Mrs McDonald is a beauty.
I like her because she has blue eyes
and she always wears pretty clothes
and she looks lovely. Emma
Mrs Parr has ear rings like bells
and she has eyes like brown chocolate
and she has beautiful clothes and she has brown hair like my hair
and she is nice and she has a bit of golden hair. Elaina
Mrs Parr is beautiful
and she has golden hair. Oliver
Mrs McDonald has beautiful eyes,
she has blue eyes, she is cool. Omerola
I like Mrs Parr
because she is beautiful. Francis
Mum and Dad
My Mum likes to dance.
My Mum has brown hair. Ryan
My Dad is as tall as a giant
and he cooks yummy food
and I love my Dad. Yash
My Dad is very tall as tall as a house.
He has black hair.
I love him and do you know what,
he loves me! Logan
My Dad has blue eyes
like the sea. Caleb A
My Mum has red hair.
My Mum likes to make cookies. Lydia
The Gingerbread Boy
My gingerbread boy is short
he has a shirt. George
My friend Jesus
My friend Jesus likes me
and I like him too. Levi
My friend Jesus takes care of me
and he is my friend. Yuan
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